Revival 07 : Mindfulness.


One of the 5 pillars of Resilience is mindfulness. Being mindful simply means that one is focus on being intensely sensing and feeling the moment, your surrounding and what is happening around you, without interpretation and judgement.

It simply involves breathing methods, guided imagery and other practices to relax the body and mind in-order to reduce the stress.

In order to have Mindfulness, one must seek to develop:

  • Intention to cultivate awareness (and return to it again and again)
  • Attention to-what is happening in the present moment (simply observing thoughts, feelings, sensations as they arise)
  • Attitude that is non-judgemental, curious and kind.

By taking control of whether we react or respond to any situation helps us to reduce anxiety and depression. Mindfulness teaches us how to respond to stress with awareness of what is happening in the present moment, rather that simply acting instinctively, unaware of what emotions or motives may be driving that decision and how it will impact us.

One of the best way to help us to being mindful is to jolt down our worries, as though we are emptying our brain, and you should feel lighter and less tense. Take time to acknowledge our worries and if possible to write them down. Once we know the most important things we worry about, ask ourselves whether our worries are solvable.

By being mindful, or practice to be mindful, we then should be able to determine how we should respond to any situation, and create the action required to spring back appropriately.

Being mindful help us to reduce over thinking. Thinking of unnecessary situations that hasn’t taken place and therefore, reduce the action to get worried over nothing.

There is a saying:

Cross the Bridge When We Get There

Cross the bridge when we get there!

09.08.21 Revival 07 : Mindfulness.


We need people to help us make things happen. As you journey into your pathway to success, there will come a time that we need others to help us make things happen. We can’t be pacing ourself alone, the needs and requirements gets bigger each day.

People don’t care how high you are, how rich you maybe, people only care how much you care. WIIFM, ‘What’s in it for me?” has been the psychological for any individual in whatever they do. Motivation simply means Motive for Action. Hence, nobody will do anything is they do not have the internal reason to do it.

Yes, we would not be taking any action at all if it is not important for us and if does not have any positive impact unto ourselves. So does for others.

We have to remember that it will come to a stage that we need others to make things happen to us too. But lest we forget, they too will only do things if it will benefit them in the long run.

In making our dreams a reality, give the fair share of the cake to those who will help you to get there. Engage people to share the success that will benefit all.

Share your success with others to make it a much bigger success for all.



Life is Tough, so get up and be tough! Dance to the tune, Jazz up your life. It is what you make out of it. Don’t rely on others to help, none will ! So paint up you life, make it colourful and vibrant.
You are the Captain of your Soul, and the master of your life. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul means that You solely have control over determining your feelings and your destiny despite the circumstance. Put yourself in the driver’s seat of your own life and give yourself the control to choose your final destination.


It is said that nobody plan to fail, many fail to plan. The moment we fail to plan, we are planning to fail. The fact is that sometimes plan fail to materialise. But what d we do about It? If we know that plans may not be as what we expect it to be, that plans may fail at some point. Then anticipation is the call of the day. One has to have alternate plan of action.

Multiple Plan of Action. Make plans that would benefit you in any way. Meaning, look at various angle of opportunities. Choose the most potential to benefit you in whatever way you deem beneficial.

Then draft out the plan. Draft out the plan simply means writing down the action required by stages to meet the needs and requirements until realising the goals required. At the same time, one should also weigh out the risk, obstacles and issues that may arise, so that we can determine the action required to mitigate such obstacles and issues.

Making the Decision Required. When all the planning stage is done, then comes the part of taking action. A step at a time. Don’t rush. Though action will determine the results, the right action is the gist of it all. And sometimes, there are no right action, we can only tell whether it delivers the result required, if No, then an alternate action might be required, and the plan might need to be moved into alternate plan. In real life that’s taking a detour or re-route on the journey.

Along the way we have to make some decisions. Most of us failed to make the decision required, especially when it is spontaneous. Why? It simply because …

Decisions is spelled as RISK. Hence decisions needs Courage to fuel the action required. Believe me, at time you simply just have to make it. Sometimes there are no right decisions. This is when that GUT FEELING comes into play, and Bitting The Bullet, taking Risk is the name of the game. Hence, Decision is spelt as Courage.

If you ever attended Tony Robbins Program, Unleash The Power Weekend, You walk the fire ! And let me tell you, that is no joke ! 10 feet of Hot Burning Coal. Decisions are made at that moment of time, that split second…to walk or Not to walk. There is no rooms for doubt ! This is when Yoda comes into play, telling you DO Or DO NOT. So make that decision of whether you are going to stand up and dare to make the changes required during these pandemic times? Or sulk all day long, cry till the end of time.

HIBERNATION. Yes, animals know when to hibernate because of the coming cold season. They gather food for the coming cold season, and hibernate throughout the coldness. For me, things are not working out. There is no training businesses in the pipeline. I hibernate. Meanwhile, I pick up new things to learn, new skills to develop. Cooking is one of them. Writing is also another aspect that I am doing now. However, I am also prepared to kickstart again should post pandemic time make its way, with new strategies and alternate plan of action.

We Can Hope. Yes we can, but hoping alone can kill you. It can tremendously put you down when your hope doesn’t work out. That is when you hope and make several plans to make your come back post pandemic. Small or big doesn’t matter. Lots of small actions will reap you Big Results.

The most important element is You, yourself. Be Confident. Believe in your ability. Trust yourself then others. Sometimes we hope that our friends, colleagues, business partners to help us out. But believe me, they also have their own problems as we do. Tell me, who is more important fr them to help? You or them? So same goes to you. You are the most important person in this world. Because if you do nothing, nothing will happen to you. Not only you, but your circle of loved ones around ourself. So make sure you don’t waste your life down the drain by hoping others to help you stand up again ! It is Not what happen to you that matters most, it is how you happen act on the situation that matters !

So get your butt to your working table and start to make some plan to kickstart your plan. You have done it before and You can do it again.

Just like what Mr. Nike says, ‘ Just Do IT’.

Cheerio. 23.07.21

REVIVAL 03: The Fallen Hope

The Fallen Hope. In my 30 years plus of striving for my passion, beginning with nothing till I’ve crossed the continent to deliver the love of my life, Training & Developing Organisational Human Resources, there are many times that I wanted to stop, that I almost given up my hope of pursuing my dreams. However, there is something inside of me that will pick up the broken pieces and move on to another higher level of performance.

That 30 years plus, there are times that I cried alone in the shadow of darkness, where no one can see my pain. Yes, I cried. But NOT forever. In these tough times, many has lost their businesses. Many has lost their incomes. Some even ended up sleeping by the street. We would have never imagine that would have happen. Then again they say Chance preferred the prepared mind. My 30 years of my passionate playground (they say work is fun), crash landed. But then again I realised one thing after all these. I can always kickstart back again. Yes I cried, but after that I pick up the broken pieces of my dream and glue it back again.

Make The Right Choice !
I look at the CHOICES that I have with me. My 30 years plus of experience, developing organisational greatest asset, Human Resources. First I thought that these assets would make me to have a better chance of going back to serve organisation that believe in developing people. I am good at that. It was the easiest way out of these blockade since I have lost almost everything. Then this goes through my head. One can never go back to work after 30 years plus of being free. You would never survive the torment of having another person on top of your head, giving you instructions and doesn’t have the compassion and values of managing people in a win-win situation. You would surely shot that fella down or shot your own feet, which ever comes first. You have been teaching and coaching people the way things are supposed to be done, and here you are putting yourself facing the opposite situation of management ! Well, some people can live bootlicking the bosses, even though what they are doing is against the management principles. Not Me.
Then I decide to be free, even if I have to kick papers on the street ( a matter of thought). I will face the music, dance to the tempo, and jazz up my approach and strategy to get things a happening again, with a twist of change that is required. That’s a twist with a Zest.

I can do it again and again and so can You ! Rest if you need, but do not go to sleep. Keep on knocking with much great persistence and you shall see it happening again. I remember the lines in that book that change my life,“Think and Grow Rich”. The little black girl that punch a hole into the egoistic nature of that White Man, the owner of the store, that finally give in to the demand of that little black girl. The girl that win of much persistence, that won the battle.

The Japanese have their own words of wisdom that says,”NANA KOROBI YA OKI“, simply mean fall seven time, stand up 8. A powerful inspirational inspiring words of motivation. It simply means being persistent. Nothing more powerful than that.

Colonel Saunders & His numbers 110
I have always shared the story of Colonel Saunders that goes around to sell his dreams of having restaurant all over with the only asset that he has, the recipe frying chicken the KFC way ! People laugh, those that mock him, some simply ignore him and that was at the age of 60 yrs+ with a few bucks in his pocket. His persistence lies in his believe in himself, his believe in his dream. He only believe that the next person he meet will say yes. He didi not count how many times he was being put down, Only his believe that the next person will say Yes. Not only his dream became a reality, but the fact is that he changed the world eating habits.
Our Granny would knock our head those days if we we to eat fired chicken alone. One was supposedly to eat with a bowl of rice, or bread, or mashed potato. Today even Grannies love to eat only fried chicken, finger lickin good without any things else.

Persistence and Believe, combined together makes a powerful team of opening the door of success to anyone that wants to win in their journey of life.



Social Media can sometimes be toxic to your mental health. During this pandemic, ole lockdowns and deteriorating business, Focus on your self Development. On your physical and mental health.

It may deteriorates with the demise of businesses, with the criticism from others and other things / situations that may affect you.

Be your own true self. Impact your health, both physically and mentally. Stay away from social media as much as you can, or limit your time on it. Some motivational gurus prefer to read books than social medial. Observe the impact of social media, you are opened to the negative culture, negative criticism, negative politics and so forth.

Books push you up while social media push you down. Choose to be uplifted to positivity than be a prisoner fo negativity.

Be Wise. Choose to focus on what you should be doing rather that sitting in a corner with the gloomy feelings of you are going to crash landed. These are all garbage thinking and it doesn’t help you a bit.

Life may be tough, but tough times, great people arise. Remember that You are the Most Important person in This World. Others doesn’t matter, they live their life, not yours !

Be Brave, start working on yourself. What you are going to do, and where do you want to head in you new life’s journey. Everyday is a new day, and everyday is a new Journey.



PROLOGUE : Lessons and Motivation for Fallen Souls.

The pandemic has brought us tough times. Nothing seems to work out. Businesses closed, people end up jobless. Hardship is the new game of the day. Survival is the key thing in life. One has to be ready to manage oneself to regain the right track of mindset to spur the action required.
Hope it is, but the spirit of the rainmaker is the pathway to regain new dimension of Life’s Journey post pandemic

01 Learn, Unlearn and ReLearn, then Re Start.

Sometime we need to relearn things in life. Learn from our past mistakes. Learn from other people’s success, Learn of new knowledge, new skills. Post pandemic requires us the Flexibility to Change. Situations may or may not permit us to be on the same track of life’s journey, sometimes requiring us to change to a new paradigm, a new horizon. Even if we may be able to revive and carry on the same track, it shall never be the same again.

There might be new ways of doing things, new approach, new methodologies. The path might not be the same as we used to be. There is a saying that says doing the same old things won’t change anything. Success need one self to do different things at different times. What we used to be doing those days might not be successful now.

We need to have the flexibility to change to a new dimension of doing new things, on adapting to the new ways to get us back to where we used to be. Then again, one don’t need to be into the rush of trying to be there all at once. Start New. a step at a time.

One step at a time. You’ll be there !

We have to unlearn what we have learned, the way we do things, and we need to learn new way of doing things. The pandemic have altered our course of living. It has altered the way we need to Think. It has altered the way we approach situations. But the same things that is required of us is ACTION. Massive Power to move ourselves to face the obstacles and take new course of action to regain back our position of where we are supposedly to be .
Yes, it may take time.

It may take tremendous effort to rebuild, to restart. But let me tell you this, it makes your living life worthwhile again.
A step at a time.



Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 1.16.53 PMWhen we buy clothes for ourselves, some put the level of consumption at a certain level. Half based on certain brands. The basics do not want to degrade the quality of use.
We rarely purchase clothes from bundles, for use at work. Maybe those who cannot afford it. That would be the level that can be bought.
Where do we put ourselves in the journey of our lives?

Many are simply working and there are those who build or change their career direction. That’s what makes the difference in us.

Some simply work to survive, others make a mark in their life.
It is not fate. Do not blame The Almighty on this aspect of life. It is our own choice where to park our life and our lifestyle.
Then again success in whatever we do is crucial to building a better lifestyle. But that doesn’t mean success in life is all about being material. It is more than that. It is about being the best human that walk the earth. Crossing other people’s lives and making them to be better, even a small part of it.
It is all about stepping out with knowing what you want in life. Just like a small boy looking up the sky and telling himself deep inside that one day he will be flying that machine that fly up in the sky. While another simply is not bothered about what is happening around him, that life is just another cyclical routine event in life.
That is what makes the difference between us today. The difference that set us where we are, the difference that sets the quality/standards of living our life. The difference of what we do daily in our lives that makes the difference in others.

The difference that set us where we are, the difference that sets up apart, the difference that sets the quality/standards of living our life. The difference of what we do daily in our lives that makes the difference in others.

Observing, Thinking and Learning.
Zmza 09-17

The Bigger They are

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Sometimes I wonder, the bigger they are, they more ineffective they get. The more confused they become. Big doesn’t equal Effective.


Many organizations are proud of being BIG. Of having the best technological framework, but sad to say that doesn’t make them be the best performer.


I still prefer this definition of being effective..

Effective means “producing a result that is wanted”. Efficient means “capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy”.

Slow, sluggish in response time, not thinking about two-way customer service perspective. Only me me and me… Minions should know that. There you go! Minions. Hence the Bigger they get, the smaller is the way they think. Hmm..we used to call some of our friends ‘Peanut Brains’ during our schooldays. Just simply because they are slow to respond.

When you manage a BIG organization, Vision of the Head, either catapult it forward, stagnate or backward. Well, almost all do have their Vision Statement, Mission Statement. Some have their Values and Culture written down. Some not bothered about all these at all.

If you do not know what you want to be, then one exist because it simply exists. Because somebody put you there to exist. But existing to serve and existing to exist are two different things!


Existing to exist simply exist without any reasons to exist. They function in their own sweet way and are not bothered about the way the world works. Not bothered whether the Sun is shining today, or whether the world is spinning or not. They are only bothered if they exist today.

These are the type of organization that is BOLD, PROUD, EGOCENTRIC simply because they are BIG. They have people, Objectives…maybe Yes maybe Not, or I’m not bothered..that kind of attitude. SYSTEMS…naah, who cares. We do things the way we do.


Anyone who are not in their circle. Anyone who are being brought in to put the organization on track and up to date, to be effective and efficient, are not friendly people. They are like Aliens that walk in the door.

As there are no SYSTEMS, then there is nothing to shut down. Oh Yes, the People then shut down. Not acceptance and non-delivering. They play Politics like they play mahjong. Day in Day out. Not actually focusing on the real requisites of making the organization to be effective and efficient.


They have Tribalism in the organizations. And they power play on every single issue, not really concern and serious about delivering results and being the best organization there is. Who cares, the name is already there! The Brand…

So much so that they gaps everywhere. Between the Chief and the Tribal head. Between the Tribal Head and the Warriors. Broken communication in every aspect.

The Pidgeon Died!

We know that communication is the critical factor in managing a good organization. Two-way flow is a must! But when politics are flooding the floor, communication breaks down. People simply doesn’t know what to do!
Some say ‘Do as I told you, Don’t do what I Do!’ and orthodox philosophy in a giant pool of people. Some say ‘You scrub my back, and you get what you want!’…and so the list goes on and on. People simply do what they used to do, as the pigeon died.

(*pigeons are those birds that are used to send messages during those days.)


To be continued…
Where is Abe Lincoln?